HumanKind's Campus Expansion

For more than 138 years, HumanKind Ministries (HK) has been committed to helping those living in poverty and housing insecurity in South Central Kansas. HK has provided significant services and resources to help combat homelessness and poverty in Sedgwick County and has moved the needle, helping tens of thousands of individuals and families address their unique challenges and take critical steps to rebuild their lives. 


Since 2018, HK has been working in earnest to streamline and integrate all of our services, enabling us to serve more clients, more efficiently, and mobilize them for long-term success. With strategic thinking, collaboration with national experts, and combining past experiences and best practices around the country, HumanKind adopted a comprehensive plan in 2019 to reach functional zero. Our intention is to make Wichita a city that not only serves those experiencing homelessness and poverty, but designs facilities around their unique needs. 


If we want to accomplish this in Sedgwick County, it is going to take renewed vision and powerful support. We believe in this mission and we’re committed to making it happen, right here in our community.


Currently, HK has 60 year-round shelter beds, and 140 beds in an emergency shelter currently operating from November to March. Our expanded program plan will increase year-round shelter capacity to 250 beds for individuals, families, and those with pets. 


Co-locate Men’s and Women’s Emergency Winter Shelters, extend the programs to year-round, and add a Welcome Center. This will be a congregate shelter that will replace and mirror current no-barrier Emergency Winter Shelters. The Welcome Center will allow for more streamlined intake and other essential support services.


150 Beds | Restrooms & Showers | Laundry | Dining Hall & Kitchen | Supportive Service Spaces | Spaces for Overflow

Add a low-barrier, extended-stay shelter to the same building with shared staff, intake, and kitchen services. This will replace and mirror services at The Inn and continue to be the only provider in the region that serves men, women, families, and their pets in one location.


100 Beds | Restrooms & Showers | Laundry | Dining Hall & Kitchen | Pet facilities| Shared Supportive Service Spaces



What is the difference between congregate and non-congregate shelter?

Non-congregate shelter provides each client with their own bathroom facility. Congregate shelter provides shared sleeping and bathroom facilities. Congregate provides easier motorization and greater capacity to serve more clients.


How long has HK been working on this campus expansion?

In 2018, community partners, HK staff, and Board of Directors started a comprehensive and exhaustive look at every facet of homelessness. Through research, decades of experience, lessons learned, and community discussions, HK created a strategic plan.


How much will this campus expansion cost? 

The cost is estimated to be 10M. 


How does this align with other community efforts? 

HK is in continual discussion with local government, the nonprofit community and other entities to ensure its work and plans create the most efficient, and effective impact on the homeless community. We strongly believe that collaboration is essential for helping our clients and achieving functional zero in our community.


Why will this model work?

HK made on-site visits to nationally recognized homeless service providers across the country and consulted with national experts. Through these visits, HK has seen first-hand the remarkable work that these organizations do with their streamlined processes, integrated programs and centrally located facilities. HK is confident that by implementing this model into the community we can achieve the same success.

What are the benefits of the campus expansion?

This project will significantly decrease homelessness in Wichita making it rare, brief, and nonrecurring. With its current facilities, HK’s campus cannot adequately fulfill the complex and unique needs of our programs and clients. Campus expansion will provide 5 key benefits:

  1. Reduces recidivism through expanded services and access to care
  2. Strengthens homeless service provider relationships through shared spaces
  3. Reduces homeless encampments
  4. Increases efficiency of land usage and circulation on and around HK’s campus
  5. Achieves functional zero related to homelessness in our community


Are there plans to collaborate with community organizations or government agencies?

HK has over 40 active community partners, who provide care to its clients. We recently partnered with The City to open the only, no-barrier, Emergency Winter Shelter in Wichita. HK currently has 15 community partners on-site. Integrating providers on-site has proven success in similar programs across the country.


What is the timeline for the project?

HK has begun the quiet phase of a Capital Campaign–working with Campaign Leadership Committee, Board of Directors, leadership staff and consultants, HK will break ground on these new facilities once appropriate funding has been secured.

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