Sleep Out ICT

Sleep Out So Others Don't Have To

Every night in Wichita, 702 people experience homelessness. Each of these 702 stories is different, but at the center of each lies the same thing—a human without access to basic needs like shelter and food. Talking about these issues can be tricky, which is why we launched Sleep Out ICT— to get Wichitans talking about an important issue no matter their age.


Since 2019, hundreds have taken this opportunity, and many have accepted our challenge to give up their bed for one night and sleep anywhere else in solidarity with their homeless neighbors. Together, we have raised more than $100,000 and started countless conversations. Let’s start some more.

Taking part in Sleep Out ICT is as easy as:

1. Set a date for your Sleep Out and announce it on social media (use the images below to get started)

2. Download the free Sleep Out ICT toolkit, or view the digital version here.

3. Assemble your group and decide where you are going to sleep

7 in 10 homeless people feel invisible to others.


Research shows that “Everyday ambivalence displayed toward homeless people makes them feel invisible and forgotten.” People like Theron, who, despite having a high-powered job (Theron was an attorney in California for 27 years) became homeless. Theron now lives at The Studios and credits case management for his success, not least because “It’s nice to have someone in your corner.”



``The Sleep Out ICT experience was educational and enlightening. The activities really make you think about choices families living in poverty have to make every day.``


Sleep Out 2022 Participant

``Great resources and games that will spark really important discussions with the kids. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to learn and serve others in such a valuable way.``


Sleep Out 2022 Participant

``It's not about pretending to be homeless; it’s an act of solidarity—to give a tiny insight into this reality of those who have no other choice. I can promise you won’t regret it.``


Founding Sleep Out committee member

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