Please see below for answers to commonly asked questions regarding leasing at The Studios.
For more information about the project, click here.
What are The Studios?
The Studios are HumanKind’s latest affordable housing initiative, specifically designed for those experiencing homeless. We were able to purchase the former 316 Hotel in December 2020 thanks to federal CARES funding for affordable housing, as allocated by the City of Wichita. Every dollar of the more than $4 million HumanKind received went toward the purchase of the building and its required renovations (completed by Dondlinger Construction at a discount) to transform into a 54-unit, fully furnished studio apartment complex with on-site case management and conference spaces available to accommodate greater collaboration amongst local service providers. Additional funding was provided by individuals and private companies to supplement the CARES funding. HumanKind will cover all operational costs, with rent only partially subsidizing the cost of managing the facility with full case management available for all residents.
How much will it cost to rent an apartment at The Studios?
Pursuant to our contract, the cost of rent is set by the City of Wichita based on fair market value for a fully furnished studio apartment in this region. Rent is $550 per month with all bills paid and on-site case management available for all residents.
How can someone who is homeless afford $550 a month?
The vast majority of residents will pay nothing in rent thanks to housing vouchers from the federal government. Through street outreach and referrals, HumanKind and our partner agencies will work with homeless individuals wishing to move into an apartment to help them apply for a voucher through the City of Wichita (who distributes federal housing program voucher funds) which will, depending on their income (if any), cover all or at least 70% of the rent amount. In other words, the most someone with a voucher would pay for rent is 30% of their income. For example, if a person is receiving Social Security Income of $794 a month and this is their only source of income, the most they would pay for rent is $228. A resident would only be required to pay the full amount of rent if they did not qualify for a housing voucher and instead opted to self-pay.
What vouchers will you accept?
We will accept HUDVASH, Shelter Plus Care, Housing First, Section 8, and Emergency Housing Vouchers at The Studios. The only voucher we cannot currently accept is project-based vouchers.
How does someone get a housing voucher?
Housing vouchers are available through the City of Wichita and Sedgwick County, utilizing funds from various federal housing programs. There are many kinds of vouchers, and their value is dependent on multiple factors, including the applicant’s income. HumanKind cannot issue housing vouchers and has no influence on how much they will cover but we can help people identify vouchers that may be right for each person and help them apply through the City of Wichita or Sedgwick County.
How does someone apply to The Studios?
Applications are by referral. Case managers through any service provider can refer people to The Studios including HumanKind’s Outreach Manager who has relationships with many people currently living on the streets. If someone does not have a case manager or a relationship with a service provider, they can contact any agency directly, including HumanKind, and ask to be referred.
How can someone apply if they have no ID?
Residents have six months to provide ID to HumanKind; the same is true for some housing vouchers. HumanKind Case Managers will work with each client to help them obtain their ID within the six-month time frame.
For more information or if you have questions, please contact the HK leasing office at 316-201-4107.
For media inquiries, please contact HumanKind Marketing and Communications Manager Emily Lohfink at 316-264-9303 or
829 N Market St.
Wichita, KS 67214
Phone: (316) 264-9303
Fax: (316) 264-2233