Community Spotlight – Spirits Aerosystems’ Good Neighbor Fund

Spirit Aerosystems’ Good Neighbor Fund is a nonprofit organization funded entirely by voluntary Spirit employee donations. Those funds are then paid forward to nonprofit agencies and relief organizations where Spirit employees live and work. Since 2005, the Good Neighbor Fund has provided around $2 million each year to nonprofit agencies and relief organizations in employees’ local communities.


HumanKind is fortunate to be one of these agencies, so we were thrilled to sit down with Brock Evans, Spirit Manager and Chair of the Good Neighbor Fund Board, and learn more about Spirit’s investment in its communities, and why The Good Neighbor Fund in particular is so important.


HK: Brock, tell us about the work Spirit does in the community.

BE: At Spirit we believe it’s important to invest in the local communities where we have a business presence and connect them with each other. ​Our employees volunteer all over the world, participating in blood drives, and education and conservation projects, to name just a few. We also provide corporate grants, as well as, of course, operating the Good Neighbor Fund.


HK: Can you explain what the Good Neighbor Fund is?

BE: All Spirit employees have the option of donating a portion of their paycheck to the Good Neighbor Fund. Those funds are then used to support local health and human service efforts throughout our communities. Our employees are incredibly generous, so we’ve been able to do some great work over the years, not least with HumanKind.


HK: Spirit and The Good Neighbor Fund have supported HumanKind for many years. Right now, you are one of our Operation Holiday Compassion Sponsors. Why are HumanKind and Operation Holiday important to you?

BE. Operation Holiday really resonates with the Good Neighbor Fund’s mission. It embodies our commitment to supporting health and human services and, with the way OH enables the community to come through to help its own, it really embodies what it means to be a good neighbor. It’s a program we look forward to supporting every year and have done, proudly, for as long as I can remember. We love being able to see big tangible impact on our community and we are glad to be part of it.


HumanKind is equally proud to be a partner of Spirit’s. We are so grateful for Spirit and the Good Neighbor Fund’s support—without it, we wouldn’t be able to serve the thousands of families and individuals we do each year. Learn more about their wider community efforts at


Learn how you, too, can support Operation Holiday at

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