Just like the path to poverty takes many shapes,so do the solutions
We provide 360° wraparound supportive services anchored with case management in all facilities—from shelter to permanent supportive housing—all aligned with the individual needs of each client.
That spectrum includes:
From April 1 to October 31, our outreach team travels the city to bring water, food, toilet paper, and other basic needs to unsheltered clients, and partners with local healthcare providers to administer first aid and basic healthcare. Regular, consistent visits build trust for clients to lean on when they are ready to move into shelter.
HumanKind operateds the Emergency Winter Shelter for both men and women. Clients have access to a safe place to sleep, hot meals, clean clothes, and basic healthcare.
The Inn is a year-round, 60-bed, low-barrier shelter for individuals, families, and those with pets. A typical stay is around 45 days and in that time clients meet one-on-one with a Case Manager to address their obstacles to secure housing and work toward long-term stability.
The Studios is a 54-unit, low-barrier facility designed to ease the progression from homelessness to independent living. Any homeless individual can apply for a fully furnished studio apartment with all utilities paid. A typical stay is one to three years.
The Villas is a 101-unit low-income apartment complex that ranges from lofts to three-bedroom units. HumanKind’s goal for residents at The Villas is to stay for many years. We are always there to help them maintain the stability and self-sufficiency they have worked so hard for.
Supportive services include things like case management which is critical to success, and holiday assistance. Each year, HK distributes basic necessities such as food, winter wear, blankets, and more to those in need through Operation Holiday.