A true servant leader, Karla Zerr has done everything for HK From providing meals to building furniture! Karla started volunteering through St. Thomas Aquinas church and the Catholic Diocese. For ten years she served at the Men’s Emergency Winter Shelter, before doing the same at the women’s shelter. This summer she also helped us host a successful Humanitarian Awards benefit by volunteering on the night and got her hands dirty at The Studios building furniture and getting apartments ready for new residents moving directly from homelessness.
Karla grew up in a small town in Western Kansas where she didn’t see a lot of homelessness. “There isn’t as much of the ‘everyone looking out for each other’ mentality in the city, at least not compared to the small town I grew up in,” says Karla. “Volunteering helps me keep that small town spirit.”
Another way she does that is with her home-cooked food. Karla loves to cook and filling the plates of clients in the shelters is one of her favorite things to do. “I just love putting a smile on people’s faces with food!” She also enjoys interacting with the clients she meets. “They always tell us God bless, and they’re not afraid to tell us what they like and what they don’t like. I think it’s great that they are comfortable doing that.”
Karla is a blessing to HumanKind and we hope our relationship with her continues for many years to come. Thank you, Karla for your kindness, commitment and of course, your cooking!